Dec 1, 2022

One Month with Brooks

Updated: May 1

His Outfit | Baby Gym | Quilt made by My Aunt | Childhood Journal

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Having a baby makes time fly! I can’t believe I’ve had Brooks in my life for a month now. Zach and I look back on all the photos we have from Brooks's birth and can’t believe how much he’s grown. He’s finally starting to have a few rolls, and he’s grown in length. Brooks is beginning to follow our faces and stay focused. He loves to grunt when he’s frustrated or is trying to pooh. Brooks gives the sweetest cuddles. Everyone has told me how these months fly by. I wanted to document and share with you Brooks's monthly recaps to remember and look back on them. 



We struggled to come up with a name. We didn’t agree on his name until a few hours after delivery. It was a struggle for us to finalize his name before we saw him. Zach and I began making a list of baby names during the first trimester. We then took out all the boy names when we found out the gender. We would remove and place names back on our list continuously. We made the goal in the third trimester to narrow the list to five names. After minimizing the list we added a few family names for the middle name that would flow well with all the first names we had on the list. As soon as Brooks was born we kept going back to his name, and we felt that it would fit him. We chose Zach’s father’s name for his middle name. Brooks Franklin Morgan. 


I tried a mellow schedule after the first week but did not stick to it consistently. I typically go off of Brooks's cues. It’s usually 2-3 hours between feedings. Brooks, in general, keeps a pattern of ‘eat + play + sleep,’ but it’s more like ‘eat + sleep.’ We call him ‘milk drunk’ after feedings because he is so relaxed and usually has a dribble of milk sneaking out the side of his mouth. 


The 1st week was the most stressful for us. After the second week, I felt like I was in a good routine. I’m very grateful Zach would encourage me to take a nap and often tell me that I needed it. He is a natural when it comes to being a dad. He is hands down the best at swaddling between the two of us. 



I always had the mindset that you can prepare as much as possible for a baby, but there will always be a learning curve no matter what once the baby arrives. I wasn’t ready for the feeling of being unproductive in the first couple of weeks. I only had time to nurse, eat, and sleep, which was hard because I am one who likes to write to-do lists every day and I like to cross them off. In those first weeks, I crossed nothing off. I’m grateful I had my mom here to assist me, especially when Zack went back to work for half days and then full days. We were lucky to have her in Georgia with us for the first three weeks.


At the end of Brooks's first month, I pretty much have two hours to get things done during the day while he is napping. I still have to take at least one nap during the day to prevent myself from being exhausted from nighttime feedings. Brooks did sleep a few times for four hours during the night! That was exciting! You start to celebrate the small wins!




There are quite a few products we have relied on and loved during this first month.


This has been one of my top favorites. I use it every night! Brooks is currently in our room sleeping in a cradle, and during late-night feedings, I don’t want to wake Zach or Brooks up fully. It is also portable, so I can use it if we need to go to Brooks's nursery to change him or put him in a clean sleeper. You can tap the top to turn it on or off. You can also dim the light during the night, feedings, or if you have to go hunting for new clothes because of a little accident during the night. 



This baby wrap we all love, including Brooks! It is a little long for me, but this way, it fits Zach or me when we wear it. It’s super convenient to wear around the house if Brooks won’t settle down for a nap and wants us to hold him. It’s also great if you want to go on a quick walk around the block with your dogs and the baby but don’t want to take a stroller. I think it reminds Brooks of his time in my stomach because he always falls asleep quickly. This is now a must-have for when we travel with Brooks! It was easy to walk through airport security and board the plane, AND Brooks was quiet the whole time he was in it.



These were our favorites in the first couple of weeks. I loved how there was a zipper on both ends, so when I change his diaper at night, it won’t wake him fully because he didn’t get cold as fast. Now that he’s grown, I love the swaddle blankets because we can wrap him a little more snugly. Brooks is an escape artist and likes his arms to be free now. When we used the zip-ups, he started to sneak his arms between the zipper and his neck. We swaddled Brooks every nap and at night. We feel that this helps him calm down and lets him know it’s time to sleep. He also sleeps a lot better when he is snug.



Brooks loves the swinging motion of back and forth. We keep this downstairs. When he is still fussy, and I don’t want to wear the wrap, I always put him in this. I either use the swing or the snuggle me, but Brooks does prefer the swing.



This was one of Brooks's very first gifts from a family member, Zach’s Sister, got this to Brooks. He loves them! It makes skin-to-skin and cuddles so much sweeter and warmer in the cold months!



I think the most unprepared I felt was with what I needed for the postpartum period. I did not know what to expect at all. I think that’s completely normal, especially since everyone is different, and each baby delivery can be different as well. These are a handful of the products I’ve used the most during these first few weeks.



If you plan to breastfeed, pack 1-2 nursing bras. Breastfeeding can be overwhelming when starting, and I found it a little messy after my milk came in. These are my favorite for comfort, and these are a close second.



I brought some from the Frida Kit to the hospital, but I didn't use it. I used the hospital’s mesh undies and ice packs until I got home. But I loved the entire Frida Kit when I arrived home. The Frida Kit is a ‘treat yourself' for moms. It will again be a must-have for my next post delivery. I lived in the briefs they provided for the first two weeks. They are much more comfortable than the mesh undies from the hospital and thick enough to provide coverage. 



Just stick with comfy nursing gowns in the hospital. I recommend packing at least two pajama sets. If you stay longer, you can have someone bring you extras. I would look for nursing-friendly pajamas with snap buttons, like these and these. These gowns will come in handy throughout postpartum, and it doesn’t hurt to buy them a size up for the extra room. I also loved these because it was easy to undo the back and have skin-to-skin with the baby. 




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I’m trying to enjoy every moment in this newborn stage. We went out for our first date night for Zach’s work event in Utah. I’m grateful my parents drove from Utah county to SLC to watch my little guy.