Feb 5, 2019

Morning Routine for a Busy Student

When life gets busy, having a morning routine is essential for me to start my day off right and help me prepare to tackle the day!

The hardest part for me about waking up early is actually going to bed at a decent hour.

1. Set an alarm 1 hour before Your workout. When I have cheer I wake up at 5 a.m. or 6 a.m. depending on the day. On the days I don't have cheer, I try to wake up at 7 a.m. This extra hour helps me so I don't feel rushed getting out the door to start my day.

2. Listen to a conference talk or inspirational speech. This starts my day on a positive note. I find one point to focus on that stands out to me and try to implement it or keep it in mind throughout the day. Since Zach's usually still sleeping I put on my headphones and listen while eating my morning snack.

3. Light snack. I usually have an apple, orange/cutie or blueberry greek yogurt. I love to start my day out with a cup of hot water with lemon and honey.

4. Workout. Starting the day with a workout helps to wake me up and keeps me energized throughout the day. It also helps to do a morning workout because I tend to be more tired in the evening.

5. Look over your 'To Do List.' After working out I'll look over my to do list for the day and categorize it high, medium and low priority. This helps me to focus on the most important things that need to get done for the day.

Everyday has its hardships and ups and downs, and some days it gets hard to stay motivated. When I start my mornings like this it gives me the time I need to reflect on the kind of day I want to have and implement it. Every day is a fresh start! With help from these 5 steps, I'm ready to tackle the day and accomplish my goals!

