May 29, 2018

Summer Plans

I often get questions about what my plans are for the summer! Many of you know that my husband, Zach does summer sales. This year we are in Georgia and we'll probably end up moving this way once I finish school, for a couple of years. Since coming to Georgia with Zach my days consist of writing blog posts, working out (which I love), reviewing and practicing dances and cheers for this coming football season, taking care of my darling puppy, and OF COURSE planning vacays!

Next month I'm going to be flying back to Utah to help out with CheerVision. This is my third year being on sstaff ass an Instructor/Coach at cheer camp for local High Schools. Last year I got to choreograph a pom routine for the schools! We have some great choreographers come in for these events! This year I'll be sure to record all the dances and fun times the instructors have behind the scenes and the dances that are taught! We have alot of fun with both the staff and the cheerleaders!

While I'm in Utah, I plan on going to the Stadium of fire with my family. The last time I went it was all old rock songs featuring Journey , and you can bet your buns that my family and I were singing at the top of our lungs and everyone was staring at us like we were out of control! We had a Great time! This year One Republic is headlining, I can't wait! I'm sure it will be amazing!

The following week we'll be celebrating my cousin's graduation from Hgh School in Texas ! And I'm lucky enough to have her at Utah State with us in the Fall! We are celbrating with a girls trip to Cabo!!! My mom, my cool aunt and us girls! I'm so excited to share my trip, adventures, and yummy food pics with you! Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! Relaxing, sunbathing, eating, drinking fruity drinks, giggling, late nithg talks, dancing, and shopping, etc.

Zach and I will head back to Utah Stsate University in Logan, Utah in August. I have to be back for cheer practice and our summer retreat. I'm looking forward to a fun summer, and am so blessed to have susch great family and friends! I love to share and see everyone's fun summer adventures!

